martedì 2 febbraio 2010

Scarica Gratis PDF Password Remover e rimuovi le password che bloccano il file PDF

















Volete aprire un file in PDF che è stato protetto precedentemente, da una password in modo da non visualizzarne il contenuto? Potete farlo con l’utility PDF Password Remover. PDF Password Remover è stato progettato per rimuovere la password e le restrizioni di file PDF.

Come rimuovere le password con PDF Password Remover

Il decriptaggio del file avviene in modo istantaneo e possiamo quindi, disabilitare la protezione sui contenuti.

















Basterà premere il  tasto destro del mouse sul file PDF, selezionare “Decrypt with AnyBizSoft PDF Password Remover” dal menu di scelta rapida, e le limitazioni saranno rimosse in pochi secondi.


Sarà dunque molto semplice, in seguito alla decifratura, copiare, modificare o stampare i file PDF.

L’applicazione per Windows, che di norma sarebbe a pagamento (19$) è disponibile per il download,  in versione Free, senza limitazioni, fino al 24 febbraio 2010. Affrettatevi dunque.

Per scaricarla cliccate prima sul pulsanteGet keycode” ,per ricevere il codice di registrazione, e infine sul bottonedownload”.

Non resta che provare questa utility disponibile solo per windows.



The Onion Router Restare anonimi sul web con Nokia N900 Maemo 5
























Molte persone ed utenti sono sempre più alla ricerca di una soluzione che possa proteggere la propria privacy dai rischi della rete.
Essendo l’N900 un Internet Tablet, un’applicazione che protegga l’analisi del traffico è sempre ben voluta; ecco allora Tor: The Onion Router.




Come dice il sito ufficiale del progetto:

Tor è una rete di tunnel virtuali che permette alle persone ed alle organizzazioni di aumentare la propria privacy e sicurezza su Internet. Inoltre consente agli sviluppatori di software di creare nuovi strumenti di comunicazione con caratteristiche intrinseche di privacy. Tor fornisce le basi per una gamma di applicazioni con cui singoli individui ed organizzazioni possono condividere informazioni sulla rete pubblica senza compromettere la propria privacy.
























Una volta installato troverete l’applet nel menu delle notifiche sotto la voce di “The Onion Router“. Con un tap su questa voce potrete scegliere se attivare o disattivare la protezione.
La connessione richiede qualche minuto.

Tor Status Area Applet lo trovate tramite i repo Extras-Devel nel Gestore Pacchetti.
Il file Deb lo trovate QUI.



ExZeus in arrivo su piattaforma Android

La piattaforma Android sembra iniziare a vedere lo sviluppo di giochi in 3D davvero interessanti. Alcuni sono già presenti nel catalogo e altri sono in arrivo. Uno dei titoli che ha riscosso un grande successo sulla piattaforma iPhone è ExZeus, un gioco di robot con grafica davvero di alto livello. Finalmente sembra che la software house abbia deciso di creare una versione per i Google Phone. Nel prossimo video possiamo vedere la qualità di gioco su un terminale Android.



lunedì 1 febbraio 2010

SharePod v 3.9.3

  • SharePod 3.9.3
  • SharePod is easy nifty alternative to iTunes to use with your iPod/iPhone. Here's some of the main features: -Add & remove music and videos from your iPod -Add, remove and edit playlists -Add & remove album art -View and backup photos -Copy music, videos and playlists from your iPod to PC -Import music/videos into your iTunes library, including playlists and ratings -Tag editing -Drag n' drop to and from Explorer -Simple, clean interface -Quick to load and use with no unnessary complicated features -Support for iPhone and iTouch




    Windows XP/Vista




    S60 Betalabs is now out of Beta- Presenting

    "Change is the only constant in this world. So, as S60 Betalabs."

    We are happy to announce that S60 Betalabs is now out of Beta stage – it is grown up to “” for you.

    Greetings form S60 Betalabs to all of its Visitors, Followers, Friends and Supporters. Today we are going to announce some big news. We really thank full & appreciate your Love & Support you all have given to S60 Betalabs.

    S60 Betalabs has started its journey two years back at July 2008 as a guide some time as a wizard to Symbian Smartphone’s smart users covering all types of News, Reviews, Tips N Tricks, Tutorials, Themes, Games, Applications and Miscellaneous features, stories related to Nokia & Symbian OS.

    We are Happy to announce that we are now out of Beta Stage and transforming to full featured site – Symbian Eventually new sections will be added as some of you have requested- like a dedicated section for Free Symbian Themes, Application & Wallpaper with tons of Premium Stuff.

    Be sure to follow us over and get ahead of crowd. Changes will be reflecting over all presence of S60 Betalabs to (Facebook, Twitter )


    Experience the future of Mobile at Symbian Tweet. Make a mark! Share your view -Step Ahead.

    Symbaintweet team

    iPhone OS 3.2 Support Video call, SMS Features

    Last week, Apple did not only launch the iPad but also announced the iPhone OS 3.2 SDK with iPad simulator to build apps. Engadget reported that Apple iPad is capable of video calls, file transfers, SMS and handwriting recognition. Of course these features are visible from the iPad simulator and confirmed by a developer. Amusingly, the simulator always says "iPhone Simulator" on the menu bar so don't get confused. Obviously, we're talking about a front facing camera possibility in the future iPad models since the SDK already suggests video call support in it. You can now hook to accept or decline a video conference, flip a video feed and run the video call either in full screen mode or custom-window size mode suggest probability of front-facing camera. File sharing was earlier confirmed by a MacRumors report and now, we have news that iPad's Safari browser will allow downloading files off the clouds. Apart from that, pointers for SMS through iPad are also found. Looks like WiFi+3G versions may have SMS feature where in the messages would be charged for by the cellular service provider.

    Ryan Petrich, iPhone jailbreak developer, stated that the iPad will also offer handwriting recognition with built-in Optical Character Recognition function in the OS.


    Here is Petrich's list of features that he uncovered:

    * CoreGraphics to PDF API for sure, printer API is being prototyped * Spell checker in text fields and web views using AppleSpell * Multiple languages * Grammar checking (English-only so far) * Address book integration * User added words * SDK access * Included dictionaries: Apple Dictionary, New Oxford American Dictionary, Oxford American Writer's Thesaurus, Shogakukan Daijisen, Shogakukan Progressive English-Japanese Japanese-English Dictionary, and Shogakukan Ruigo Reikai Jiten (may also be used for a Dictionary app perhaps?) * USB Host support or expanded Bluetooth support * PTP support for transferring images * MobileStorageMounter (perhaps used for PTP; perhaps used to mount external USB storage?) * Hardware keyboard: USBKeyboardLayouts.plist * Much richer text API including low-level access to font data and highlevel support for drawing formatted text * Support for querying attached screens and choosing which screen a window draws on (App Store approved?) * The beginnings of file upload in Safari * Location-sensitive ads are being prototyped in integrated Maps application (and applications that use the maps framework) * Ability for applications to modify the standard cut/copy/paste menu * "Handwriting keyboard" is being prototyped Notice that "Location-sensitive ads" is prototyped in integrated Maps? So, Google has finally started targeting mobile platform with location sensitive advertisements and we believe it will be limited to select devices for certain countries only. Apple has always kept the features locked in its SDK and taken its own sweet time to release them even though they're heavily in demand and fundamental in nature.

    Amazon Drops Macmillan e-books on Price Conflict

    Last week, Amazon had surprisingly removed Macmillan books from its e-books offering for Kindle. Many pointed out that since Macmillan tied up with Google for iPad, Amazon had remove it from its list. Apparently, the dispute over pricing caused Amazon to take Macmillan books off its site. Macmillan asked Amazon to hike the prices of its books from $9.99 to $15. So, Macmillan proposes, Amazon disposes.
    Amazon had published a note about this issue on its website:
    Dear Customers:
    Macmillan, one of the "big six" publishers, has clearly communicated to us that, regardless of our viewpoint, they are committed to switching to an agency model and charging $12.99 to $14.99 for e-book versions of bestsellers and most hardcover releases.
    We have expressed our strong disagreement and the seriousness of our disagreement by temporarily ceasing the sale of all Macmillan titles. We want you to know that ultimately, however, we will have to capitulate and accept Macmillan's terms because Macmillan has a monopoly over their own titles, and we will want to offer them to you even at prices we believe are needlessly high for e-books. Amazon customers will at that point decide for themselves whether they believe it's reasonable to pay $14.99 for a bestselling e-book. We don't believe that all of the major publishers will take the same route as Macmillan. And we know for sure that many independent presses and self-published authors will see this as an opportunity to provide attractively priced e-books as an alternative.
    Kindle is a business for Amazon, and it is also a mission. We never expected it to be easy!
    Thank you for being a customer.

    Not to be worried for Amazon has temporarily pulled off Macmillan e-books noting the "seriousness of the disagreement". Macmillan CEO John Sargent clarified that Amazon had pulled off Macmillan books due to 'new terms of sale' for e-books. In a note published at Publishers Marketplace, Sargeant stated, "Looking to the future and to a growing digital business, we need to establish the same sort of business model, one that encourages new devices and new stores." Obviously, any business would like to secure its position in the future especially when competition may go fierce.
    At Amazon, a hard-copy of fresh title can be purchased for $15 and now, Sargeant is looking forward to sell the digital copies of the same book at the same price, which is kind of surprising. For this, Sargeant justified, "(it) needs to insure that intellectual property can be widely available digitally at a price that is both fair to the consumer and allows those who create it and publish it to be fairly compensated."
    Macmillan justifies by claiming that its proposal is in favor of authors, performers (in case of audio books), publishers and retailers to be profitable enough for bringing more content. Amazon believes in offering titles are lower rates in order to achieve more sales. Earlier, publishers weren't contented with Kindle-centric pricing and now, the premium entry of Apple iPad has hammered their feet.

    Nokia Custom Dictionary – Managing your S60 custom dictionary

    Nokia Custom Dictionary   Managing your S60 custom dictionary

    Nokia Beta Labs introduces an experimental application for S60 users to edit the list of words used by the phone for text prediction and transfer it between phones.

    Nokia Custom Dictionary is designed to offer an easy way to manage the custom dictionary on your smartphone. The custom dictionary is used for storing your personal words that are used frequently while typing. These words are then used in predictive text input.

    With this application, you can:

    • View all the words in your custom dictionary
    • Add new words to it
    • Edit and Delete existing words
    • Export the dictionary as xml file
    • Import words from an xml file
    • Scan text files to import all the words
    • Transfer your dictionary to another phone

    DualBOOT Android with Windows Mobile

    This might be the ultimate tool for the smartphone freak in you! Folks over at XDA-Developers, who are known for their awesome applications and mods for Windows Mobile and (now) Android based devices, have come up with their latest contraption - the Gen.Y DualBOOT.
    Now, if that name has had you stumped, allow us to simplify things. Gen.Y DualBOOT is a tool designed for Windows Mobile (6.1 and 6.5) devices that will enable users to dual boot Windows Mobile with Android OS - on the same phone. All the Gen.Y DualBOOT does is to add an option at startup asking you to choose which OS you want to boot to. It works with all Windows Mobile smartphones that have WVGA, VGA and QVGA screen resolutions.
    XDA Developers forum has a thread dedicated to Gen.Y DualBOOT where users can learn more about the installation process. If you happen to own a reasonably capable Windows Mobile powered handset, you might want to try this out.

    Nokia N97 Gets Firmware Update : 21.0.045



    Nokia has just announced a new firmware for its flagship N-Series handset, the N97. The new firmware version 21.0.045 brings with it quite a few changes (for the better) and primarily improves the call quality and the overall Internet browsing experience, if you happen to use the default browser. On the UI front, Kinetic Scrolling has been improved and you will see less of the jumpiness that had bee noticed with the previous firmware. The update is now available for select product codes on the Nokia Software Updater. The entire update is a 138MB download and there is no OTA (Over the Air) update available as of now. As always, make sure you take a backup of all your stuff before you update.